Faith Turner

I gave my life to Jesus as a child and have had many adventures with Him ever since. I can’t imagine an existence without Him.

I am passionate about building the local church where I love being involved in a variety of ways. I oversee the Gateway Foodbank and am part of the pastoral care team.

I am enjoying retirement after approximately 45 years in the NHS and loving the new opportunities to serve that God is giving me. I also love skiing, badminton, dabbling with my art class, and having coffee with friends.

Talks by Faith Turner

11 May 2024Vision Weekend Session ThreeChurch Vision Weekend 2024 Talks
21 August 2022LoveFaith, Hope, Love Teaching Series
5 June 2022Final EncouragementsHope & Holiness Teaching Series
9 August 2020JosephFinding Jesus in the Old Testament Teaching Series