Church Life

Our Lifegroups are small groups of people who are part of Gateway Church and are seeking to live out and grow in their faith in relationship with one another. Lifegroups form the backbone of our church community, enabling people to connect on a deeper level. Email Christine Hobson if you're interested in joining a group.
Children's Work
We are passionate about children at Gateway. Our heart is to see them grow up with a genuine relationship with Jesus, and we love to see them play an active part in church life. We provide several activities and groups through the week for children and families. Contact our Children's Work Team Leader, Sarah Hogben, for details.

Youth Work
We have an excellent team of people who come alongside young people as they navigate their way through the challenges of life. Contact our Youth Work Team Leader for more details.
Wednesday Church
What was your favourite school assembly song? Can you remember it?
Join us as we sing some old school songs together. Listen to someone share about what these songs really mean. Have an opportunity to reflect and to chat with other people.
Wednesdays at 12.30pm. Everyone is welcome.